Treatment for iliotibial band syndrome can include osteopathic manipulation and other techniques that reduce pressure on nerves, soothe tight tissue, and alleviate pain and accompanying symptoms.
Iliotibial band syndrome is among the most commonly reported injuries for runners, cyclists, and occurs when the connective tissue (IT band) on the outside of the knee and hip becomes inflamed or overly tight. Because that band of tissues is responsible for movement and stability of the knee joint, patients can experience restricted range of motion and severe pain when they suffer this injury.
This band of tissue fibers runs from the top of the shinbone to the outside of the knee, thigh, and hip. When it experiences overuse – due to excessive running or other activities, the tissue can tighten or experience inflammation.
In most circumstances, surgery is unnecessary. IT band syndrome usually resolves itself with sufficient rest and effective treatment. Fortunately, osteopathic care can play an important role in that treatment, helping patients to manage pain symptoms, improve mobility, and expedite the natural healing process.
This condition is considered an overuse syndrome and is most commonly seen in long-distance runners and various other athletes. The problem occurs when the IT band stiffens due to overuse, creating friction when you bend your knee. That friction can cause swelling in the bursa fluid-sac that disrupts its ability to perform its function. As the IT band tissue and bursa inflame and swell, movement is restricted and that area of your knee can experience heightened pain.
Common causes can include:
The most common sign of IT band syndrome is pain on the outside of the knew. Other symptoms can include:
Left untreated, these and other symptoms can gradually worsen. Patients are typically advised to suspend whatever activities caused the condition, to rest the tissues and allow the body to recover. Osteopathic care can help to expedite that recovery, while providing pain-relief and other symptom management.
Knee pain can be both uncomfortable and disabling. That’s why we are committed to providing the osteopathic care you need to resolve painful knee conditions, improve mobility, and regain your lost quality of life. Dr. Leonid Tafler can provide the gentle, non-invasive treatment needed to help you lead a more pain-free life.
Knee conditions include tissue tears, inflammation, and tendon injuries that can cause pain, swelling, infection, loss of mobility and impaired range of motion.
Iliotibial Band SyndromeKnee BursitisMeniscus TearsPatellar TendonitisPatellofemoral Pain Syndrome
If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, it is important to get the care you need as soon as possible. Contact us today to schedule an appointment for an examination and diagnosis. Dr. Tafler will then work with you to create a personalized treatment plan that will get you back on the path to a full recovery.