Osteopathic treatment for lumbar radiculopathy focuses on techniques that alleviate compression of the sciatic nerve, reducing pain, hip and leg weakness, numbness, and other symptoms.
Lumbar radiculopathy is a condition involving compression of the nerves that causes patients to experience lower back and hip pain that extends down into the legs. It can occur anywhere along the spine, but is more commonly found in the lower region of the back
Laypeople tend to refer to the condition as sciatica, and it is one of the most common back condition complaints heard in annual visits to the doctor. While most cases resolve themselves on their own with proper pain management, more serious cases often require medical intervention to ensure pain relief and restoration of function.
Causes can vary, but for most patients under the age of 50, this condition can often be traced to a herniated disc. Older patients often experience this pain as a result of age-related spinal degeneration. Since the condition involves damage caused by compression of the spine’s nerve roots, other factors can also contribute:
There are also a number of risk factors that can make patients more susceptible to this condition. They include smoking, frequent lifting and heavy physical activity, excessive driving, and mental stress. In addition, certain age groups also appear to more at risk, particularly patients between the age of 45 and 64.
Symptoms for this condition are not always easy to identify. Unfortunately, the back is a large area, with nerves running through the rest of the body. While this lumbar condition involves a pinched nerve in the spine, the symptoms can manifest in other areas of the body. However, the most common symptoms include:
Obviously, many of these symptoms are present in cases involving other back pain conditions as well. As a result, it is critical to obtain a proper diagnosis to ensure that your back pain issues are properly identified and treated.
Osteopathic care is a proven option for successful treatment of this and other back pain conditions. Our team can help you identify the root cause of your pain and develop a conservative, non-invasive treatment plan to alleviate pain, reduce any disability, and restore lost function. The goal is to provide effective but gentle treatment for your condition, regardless of whether it is acute, severe, or a long-term chronic issue.
Back and spine conditions can be degenerative, disease-related, or caused by overuse or injury. Symptoms can include pain, impaired mobility, numbness, weakness, and more.
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If you suffer from any of the symptoms of lumbar radiculopathy, or have been previously diagnosed with this condition, contact Dr. Leonid Tafler today. We will help you schedule a convenient appointment to confirm your diagnosis and develop the right course of treatment to address your back pain concerns and restore your lost quality of life.