Osteopathic treatment for post-laminectomy syndrome used manipulation and other therapies to reduce post-surgery complications like chronic pain, numbness, and weakness.
If you have had back surgery that failed to relieve the pain, then you may be suffering from post-laminectomy syndrome. Technically, of course, this is not actually a recognized syndrome, but the term is used as a general descriptor for ongoing pain related to failed surgery of the back or spine. Unfortunately, about one in five back surgery patients end up reporting ongoing, continuing pain even after spinal surgery.
Far too many of these patients never get the help they need. Instead, many simply live their lives with pain, loss of mobility, and a diminished quality of life. Many of them suffer financial duress from lost wages and even an inability to maintain their employment. The good news is that a failed back surgery does not have to be followed by a life of pain. In many instances, chronic back pain can be successfully treated to help you live a more pain-free life.
There are any number of reasons why a spinal surgery can leave you with recurring pain. Many cases are related to disc herniation, scar tissue, or compression of the nerve roots. In some instances, there may be post-surgical instability of the spine or facet joint issues. At other times, there may be more systemic causes like autoimmune diseases or diabetes. Pain can also be caused by post-surgery anxiety, depression, sleep disorders, or lifestyle choices.
Often, the problem is even simpler: the surgery did not target the actual cause of your pain. Since spine surgery is designed to help stabilize the back or decompress pinched nerve roots, that surgery will be ineffective if your pain was being caused by something else.
While this type of painful back pain can create symptoms common to other conditions, there are some general signs that can help ensure a proper diagnosis. The most common symptoms include:
An accurate diagnosis is vital for ensuring proper treatment. As a result, patients who experience post-surgery pain in their back should seek medical diagnosis and care as soon as possible.
After any back surgery, medical providers recommend therapy and rehabilitation to help the body recover from the ordeal. If your pain persists in spite of that rehab effort, we can help discover the source of the discomfort and provide the osteopathic care you need to relieve that discomfort. In most instances, osteopathic treatment can reduce pain, alleviate post-surgical disability, and help you enjoy an improved quality of life.
Back and spine conditions can be degenerative, disease-related, or caused by overuse or injury. Symptoms can include pain, impaired mobility, numbness, weakness, and more.
Back Muscle SpasmFacet Joint SyndromeFailed Back Surgery SyndromeHerniated DiscsLow Back PainLumbar RadiculopathyMid Back PainMyofascial Pain SyndromeNerve Compression SyndromePiriformis SyndromePost Laminectomy SyndromeSacroiliac Joint DysfunctionScoliosisSpinal Stenosis
If you’re suffering from chronic pain after any back surgery, Dr. Leonid Tafler has the experience and expertise needed to help you recover. Give us a call today to learn more about how osteopathic treatment can provide the effective pain relief you deserve.