Treatment for myofascial pain syndrome uses osteopathic manipulation and other techniques to reduce the tension and stress that contribute to localized muscle pain, tenderness, spasms, and other symptoms.
Myofascial pain syndrome is a common cause of musculoskeletal pain, typified by localized myofascial trigger points that cause pain to be felt in various areas of the body. These trigger points are usually created when areas of muscle tissue thicken. When those points experience any physical pressure, pain can be referred to other parts of the body.
Your body’s fascia is a connective tissue that surrounds your bones, nerves, muscles, organs, and blood vessels. When the fascial system experiences any type of disfunction, the creation of trigger points can lead to chronic pain almost anywhere in the body. Chronic myofascial pain is believed to be a common source of chronic pain, but many cases continue to be unrecognized and undiagnosed.
The key to understanding the causes of chronic myofascial pain is to understand the factors that can create the underlying trigger points. These causes can include:
The symptoms of chronic myofascial pain are sometimes difficult to distinguish from many other painful conditions. As a result, many cases are believed to go undiagnosed. In general, however, those symptoms can include any of the following noticeable affects:
In addition, patients can experience symptoms common to many other types of chronic pain. These include disrupted sleep patterns, chronic fatigue, persistent headaches, and depression.
Our team can work with you to diagnose your condition and ensure that we provide the appropriate treatment needed to alleviate your pain. Fortunately, there are ways to properly identify this little-understood condition, so that you can receive the therapy you need to regain your quality of life. There are a variety of osteopathic techniques that can help, including osteopathic manipulation stretching exercise, other manual manipulation therapy, nerve stimulation, and more.
Back and spine conditions can be degenerative, disease-related, or caused by overuse or injury. Symptoms can include pain, impaired mobility, numbness, weakness, and more.
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If you suffer from any of the symptoms identified above, you may need treatment for chronic myofascial pain. Dr. Leonid Tafler has the experience and expertise to provide the care you deserve and help you manage and recover from your chronic pain. Give us a call today to learn more about this condition and how our team can help you get on the path to a pain-free life.