Scoliosis treatment can include osteopathic manipulation and other therapies designed to improve mobility in the thoracic and lumbar spine, reducing pain and enhancing range of motion.
Scoliosis is a condition involving a curvature of the spine that can have a variety of effects on patients. The curvature most often happens during a child’s growth stage, in the period right before the onset of puberty. Most cases are relatively benign, with no visible impact on health or lifestyle, for some patients, however, the deformity in the spine can progress as children continue to grow, with advanced cases creating disability.
When diagnosed early, children are often fitted with braces to help prevent additional curvature. In some instances, surgery may be required to minimize the damage and even straighten out the spine. In all cases where this condition is identified, children are routinely monitored to ensure that the disorder doesn’t worsen.
Medical professionals are not sure about the causes of most forms of scoliosis, other than heredity. However, researchers have identified some of the most common factors that can cause the less-commonly seen variations of the condition. Those causes include:
The condition is most commonly seen in patients who are just entering the final growth spurt before puberty and is equally common in both boys and girls. However, girls are more prone to developing severe curvature that requires treatment. While some hereditary factors have been noted, studies suggest that most young patients with the disorder come from families without any history of spinal curvature.
In mild cases of spinal curvature, there are usually no symptoms. Many patients simply live their lives without complications. For the unfortunate minority who suffer from more severe curvature, symptoms can include:
While severe scoliosis often requires surgery to correct, milder forms can be effectively treated with osteopathic care. Through a combination of manipulation, soft tissue techniques, and other osteopathic treatment, our team can help to reduce pain and increase range of motion. In addition, we can provide vital information and education about home-based exercises, treatments, and lifestyle changes to improve your quality of life.
Back and spine conditions can be degenerative, disease-related, or caused by overuse or injury. Symptoms can include pain, impaired mobility, numbness, weakness, and more.
Back Muscle SpasmFacet Joint SyndromeFailed Back Surgery SyndromeHerniated DiscsLow Back PainLumbar RadiculopathyMid Back PainMyofascial Pain SyndromeNerve Compression SyndromePiriformis SyndromePost Laminectomy SyndromeSacroiliac Joint DysfunctionScoliosisSpinal Stenosis
If you are suffering from curvature of the spine and need relief, contact Leonid Tafler, DO today. We’ll be happy to schedule an appointment for an examination and help you learn more about how osteopathic treatment can help you enjoy a more pain-free life.